

The season of starts and resolutions is upon us. Do you participate in this? I don’t. I have made changes in my life. (Some of you have commented on my losing about 30 lbs.) But, I don’t do that kind of thing according to a calendar. In fact, my losing weight really began with me discovering a process that fit me. Before that, I figured I was the way I was and that there wasn’t going to be any changes. I found a report that men about my height and my age were on average the weight I was at when I started. So, at that point I didn’t expect to change… for the rest of my life. But, then I came upon this process that made sense to me, so I decided to give it a try. Paying for it was the thing that made my resolve final.      There were all sorts of guidance within the program and that included creating a community of friends with whom you could share the experience. I’ve never enjoyed that. The “accountability” friend has never appealed to me. Friends, who are people I enjoy being with, challenge me enough with encouragement to live as I should. I want to live in a manner that reflects the relationship I have with them, to live up to the person they expect me to be.      Maybe you think of your relationship with God that way. I do. In knowing God, in loving God, I want to live up to the person God expects me to be… but that also means I want to live in a manner that reflects that he is my friend. Loving God is the beginning of living a life that reveals the worth I discovered in my soul through God’s love for me. That creates all sorts of opportunities that change me. I trust in that deeply. Blessings, Geoff