My 3-year-old granddaughter and I got into an important conversation the other day when she was visiting. It was on how much better it feels when you get the heel of your sock positioned in the right place over the heel of your foot. Her first sense of delight in this was that she did it herself, but then it moved to the good feeling one gets when the sock heel is in place on the foot heel. When the heel is in place, the toe of the sock also easily moves into place. My part in the conversation was mostly acknowledgement and agreement. Unless we don’t wear socks, we all know this feeling. We know what it feels like to have the heel of our sock slightly off, folded, scrunched, or just simply to the side. It’s a minor irritation that won’t really hurt, but it still bugs us. It affects our whole selves. When something is made for a purpose, it always feels best when its purpose is met. We’re told by the ancients that the chief purpose of humanity is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. I always think of “glorifying” as rejoicing over the true nature of something wondrous with abandonment. The moment of delight that my granddaughter felt in her accomplishment touches that. The true nature of a sock heel is to fit on a foot heel. Making it move into place leads to a moment of rejoicing and delight. When we sing to, pray to, and worship God, when we move into our chief purpose of glorifying him, we shift our whole being into a place of enjoyment. We find our fit because it touches on eternity. As we move to our celebration of Thanksgiving, let’s take at least a moment to recognize that doing that is like getting life, getting ourselves, in the right place. Blessings, Geoff